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It could grow tall and strong, but it needs some love to help it along.

Etta Plum was the final teacher at the Walnut Grove school.


Mrs. Etta Plum is a School Teacher in Season 9 and 10 introduced by Laura Ingalls Wilder after Laura no longer be teaching in Walnut Grove, Mrs. Etta Plum got along with most of Students and people in Walnut Grove epically with Sarah Carter Laura Ingalls Wilder Almanzo Wilder Isaiah Edwards Hester Sue Temuhum she have a caring heart for most of her students Jenny Wilder Jeb Carter and Jason Carter, Jason Carter became her favorite student who needed attention the most Willie Oleson always friends while she lose her patience with Nancy Oleson after Nancy refuse to stand in the corner instead of doing was she was so to do Mrs Etta Plum showed to has sprang ankle a injured leg after Laura taken over class for tutoring she is greatful for Laura doing her this favor.

Behind the scenes[]

Etta Plum was portrayed by Leslie Landon who is Michael Landon's daughter.


Etta plum

Etta Plum
